
   Helen Gibson needs a car and won't take 'No!' for an answer.


We have included this film in our program to illustrate the work and contributions of our star Helen Gibson.


This is a short excerpt from an unknown episode of an action serial by the name of "The Hazards of Helen" starring Helen Gibson.  As with all other episodes, this one was likely directed by J.P. McGowan from a story by Edward T. Matlack.  A total of 119 weekly one reel films were produced by Kalem, showing just how popular this serial was in 1914-1917.  The first 48 films starred Helen Holmes, the remaining 71 starred Helen Gibson.  They both played heroines that were independent and adventurous, resolving dangerous situations with quick thinking.  Their acting was very physical and they performed their often very dangerous stunts.  It is believed to be the longest film series in the silent era and one of the longest ever.  Very few of the films survive, and we are happy to  be able to show this rarity to our esteemed viewers.

We have posted for you all available episodes from "The Hazards of Helen" starring Helen Gibson.  Half a dozen other episodes from this serial starring Helen Gibson survive in archives around the globe.  We won't be able to acquire them and show them to you before we obtain your financial support.  In the meantime, let's enjoy these 43 seconds of breathtaking stunts performed by our star Helen Gibson.


We received a credible tip that the clip is actually from another film, made a year or two later.  Without splitting any more hairs, let's enjoy the few images with Helen Gibson that we have, and try to find ways to obtain and show to the silent film loving public for free the rest of her amazing movies.